Hey, I’m Stacey.
For me, health and fitness has always been more than just a hobby. More than just another thing you're supposed to incorporate into your everyday life.
Being raised on Van Damme and Jackie Chan movies as a child, I was soon heavily invested in keeping fit.
At the age of six I began practicing Karate, and would build home gyms in my garden using rocks and plastic boxes as my form of resistance.
Between perfecting spinning back kicks and hitting heavy reps of asphalt, I would dream of becoming the next All Valley Under 18 Karate Champion.
Which never happened.
However, my love for fitness and nutrition continued.
At the tender age of twenty-seven, I decided to take fitness and nutrition to a professional level by building Mustard Fitness.
For the past decade I’ve worked with thousands of people aiming to excel in the realm of physical fitness.
My goal is not only to help someone lose weight, gain muscle, or prepare for an upcoming physical event; but to also provide the knowledge necessary in maintaining those milestones reached when working together.
It’s much simpler than many people think.
Work hard, train harder.
Stacey Quick
Founder of Mustard Fitness